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Hello Everyone,

So shortly after Christmas I found myself venturing into Debenhams when I had a bit of time to spare and I ended up having a splurge at the Benefit counter with some of my Christmas money. I would say that (amongst the few that I've tried) Benefit is my favourite higher end make-up brand. I love everything about benefit from the quality of the products to the colours and designs of the packaging! The few products I decided to try this time were the concealer 'Erase Paste' (which I have heard LOADS about) and the highlighter 'Watts up' which I had heard less about but which caught my eye straight away. 

I'm not usually one to go for highlighting and contouring, one because I'm lazy and two because I don't fully understand the ins and outs of it. Like a lot of people, the idea of contouring and highlighting scares the hell out of me and even though I've had a few successful attempts I still tend to steer clear of it most of the time. However, Highlighting now definitely scares me a whole lot less since I got shown this little baby! I knew straight away that I would find this product easier to use than others I had tried before as it is applied straight onto the face rather than applied with a brush! Well that's how I apply it anyway. I got advised not to use the sponge on the end but to blend it in with my fingers or a brush and I have found that doing this has works brilliantly. I love the packaging too and love that its nice and compact!

As you can see in this picture and in the swatch below, the colour of this product is also incredibly beautiful. The woman on the counter showed me a few different highlighters they have to offer but the gold tones of this one won me over! My skin tone, although not incredibly tanned, is olive toned (because of my Italian roots) so the gold really does compliment it well! Oh and not to forget its long lasting too! If I come home and it is still on my face after a night out then it definitely scores 10/10 for that.

Overall I would recommend this product 100 times over. It is very easy to apply and makes highlighting incredibly easy, its consistency is beautiful and easy to blend and the colour of it is really stunning with just enough shimmer! Definitely worth the money :)

The other product I brought was the concealer 'Erase Paste'. Due to my Olive skin, I do have quite bad dark circles under my eyes. I was after something quite heavy duty to hide these and needless to say Benefit didn't disappoint.

First off, I know packaging is not the be all and end all but I really do appreciate a product more if its packaged well. I have never owned a concealer that is in a pot rather than in a tube and I like it because you can easily see how much product you have left.

The colour that I got matched to was no.2 medium. I am really loving the tone and find it just blends in so easily with the tone of my foundation. Usually I am an avid user of the Collection 'Lasting Perfection' concealer and although I will always love that little baby I feel that the Erase Paste is the longest wearing concealer I have ever tried. Lets just say that, when I have only done one side, the difference between my two eyes is so clear that even my boyfriend (who has no idea about make-up) could spot it!

I hope you all enjoyed my first review post. I am all new to this and would love some constructive criticism if you have any :) Thanks for reading

Much love,

Hi everyone!

So I have done a new video on my youtube channel of a trip to London i went on this month. Please go check it out if you have time :) Expect a review post on one of the restaurants we went to on the blog very soon!

Thanks my loves,

Tanya xxx

Hi everyone!

First of all, sorry I haven't posted in about a month. I haven't been as regular with posting as I would have liked to have been. I always find that I think of a post I want to write (or in terms of YouTube, a video I would like to film) and then by the time I get round to actually creating it I have put myself off the idea. The longer I have an idea in my head the more I begin to convince myself that its rubbish and that no one in the world will want to read or watch it.

That brings me on to the topic of this post... The dreaded new years resolutions!

I think, like most people, I'm someone who doesn't usually tend to stick to their resolutions without fail. However, When I am determined to give something a good go I most definitely will :) I'm hoping writing this post will be a good way to remind myself of my resolutions and also a good way to inspire some people out there who don't know what resolution to make (even though as it is already the 5th so if you haven't made any you better get a move on!)

So going back to my introduction paragraph, My first resolution is definitely to post on this blog more and on my Youtube channel more without worrying that no one is going to enjoy my content. It is satisfying when people view the content but really I do it for my own enjoyment so others shouldn't be a big issue :). I guess this kind of comes in to a general 'Believe in yourself more' theme. In the past couple of months, after being diagnosed with anxiety, I have doubted myself a lot and I definitely want to rid myself of this in the new year.

Talking of ridding myself of unwanted things... How about a good old stereotypical 'Be healthier' resolution? In June 2013 I went on quite extreme diet. Well, not really a diet but more of a change in way of life as i kept it up for one whole year. I changed my eating habits for the better and lost quite a bit of weight in the healthiest way possible. However, over the past half a year I have been a little bit naughty with my eating and although I haven't put much weight on at all I just don't feel as energetic and healthy as I used to. So I've got my determined head back on and I'm ready to become a health bunny again! Me and my partner have decided that we are also going to start running as he has done half marathons in the past and wants to start again so we have set goals to do various races! (I've even invested in new running clothes and a Breville blend active - Aren't I just the picture of health???)

Last but not least... This may be the most simple one but it will probably be the most difficult to follow... Stay happy and smiling because I was always quite a happy go lucky, care free kinda gal. I know I won't be able to stick to this all the time BUT I can make more effort to think of the things in my life which are absolutely amazing and that make me smile while I feel the depressing thoughts trying to creep their way in.

So there we have it, my three new years resolutions. Sorry if this was a boring post and that there was no pictures but I just wanted to chat to commence the New Year! I hope you all had a brilliant christmas and New Year and that you all have a happy and healthy 2015 

Lots of love,
